Our Curriculum Offer



To nurture and develop our six qualities of learning which enable all children to shine…for life!




To provide an engaging, characterful and balanced curriculum for all.

To interconnect learning opportunities with an enriched environment to promote a love of learning and the outdoors.

To ensure children are supported within a kind and caring community which enables them to progress and flourish.




We aim for our children to be resilient, creative and kind individuals who are determined, inquisitive and reflective learners.

Our inclusive curriculum is carefully planned to allow for progress for all pupils in our two mixed age classes. We recognise the challenges of teaching a progression within a subject to a mixed age class and, having undertaken our own research and consulted subject specialists and organisations, developed our own pedagogy and created what we believe is the best fit for our setting. With a commitment to the removal of barriers to learning and participation, we offer high quality teaching and appropriate differentiation to meet the needs of all. We teach through termly topics using using our rolling programme to avoid unnecessary repetition for pupils in our mixed age classes. 
Here is our current rolling programme.

Our termly topics are communicated to the school community via curriculum overview booklets. Please find our most recent overviews for Reception and KS1 (Choughs Class) and KS2 (Puffins Class) below.